نوشته شده توسط : leeveedge

How to avoid it: Always analyse your spends carefully before selecting a credit card.Overspending: Credit card can be risky instrument for those who cannot control the urge of splurging money. Opt for the one that offers maximum benefits on your top spends at lowest cost. These charges can range anywhere from 22 to 47% p. Here are the major risks associated with using credit cards and tips on containing those risks. Else opt for balance transfer or personal loan as their interest rates are lower finance charges. Paying the ‘minimum amount due’ does not save you from finance charges, it only saves you from paying late payment fee. Get your credit report at regular intervals to detect identity thefts and other card frauds.How to avoid it: The only way to reduce your credit card security risk is to stay vigilant.Reduction of credit score: As credit card transactions are equivalent of taking loans, credit bureaus record late payments or defaults in your credit report and reduce your credit score accordingly. This ratio is the proportion of your total outstanding credit card balances against your total available credit limits. Also compare their finance charges and expiry period and monetary value of their reward points.How to avoid it: Ensure to pay your full bill amount due by the due date.

The easy availability of credit not only reduces the sting of making payment, it also stimulates their desire to buy or consume more.Credit card fraud: Fraudsters usually initiate the credit card fraud by duplicating your card (skimming) at point of sale (POS) terminals or ATMs or by accessing your details through e-mails or over the phone. As most credit cards are aimed at specific customer groups and spend-types, choosing a wrong credit card may entail a sizeable opportunity cost in terms of reward points and other benefits. As a result, many end up in spending more than they can afford to repay.How to avoid it: The only way to contain the risk of overspending is to maintain a strict financial discipline. In the event of failing to pay the entire bill amount, request your card issuer to convert your existing dues into EMIs.Opting for the wrong card: With each credit card issuer offering scores of cards with varying features, charges and benefits, selecting the right or the most suited credit card can be tricky. Instead visit credit card marketplaces to choose the best card available on your credit score, monthly income and other criterion. As lenders consider a credit utilisation ratio of over 30–40% as a sign of credit hungriness, credit bureaus reduce your credit score on breaching this level. While Credit Cards have become extremely important in not just carrying financial transactions, but building a strong credit history, they also can cause turmoil in your financial life if you are irresponsible in using it.By Sahil Arora, VP& Head of Payments Products @ Paisabazaar.How to avoid it: Try your best to pay off your entire bill amount and avoid ATM cash withdrawals through your Credit Card as far as possible. While most incur this charge due to financial constraints, many do so because of their sheer carelessness or their misconception of Minimum Amount Due.High interest cost: Credit cards charge interest rate, also known as finance charges, on non-payment of the entire bill amount by the due date and on withdrawing cash from ATMs.a.

For example, a frequent air traveller using his fuel card for buying air tickets would save more money on routing those transactions through an airmiles card. Check your outstanding credit card amount regularly to keep a tab on your spends. Avoid fresh transactions through that credit card till you pay off the existing dues. However, never apply with multiple credit card issuers within a short span as that too is considered as a sign of credit hungriness. Never share sensitive card details with others and always ensure to have your card swiped in front of you. If you are spending more than you should through your Credit Card regularly, you may consider keeping your credit card at home when going out and using other means like debit card, mobile wallet or cash. Those who frequently breach the 30–40% level should request their card issuers to increase their credit limits or apply for another credit card. screws Manufacturers Lastly, inform your credit card issuer as soon as possible on losing your credit card or detecting suspicious transactions. Those who fail to remember bill due dates should set standing instructions in their bank account to enable automatic deduction.Credit card can be risky instrument for those who cannot control the urge of splurging money. Never choose a card just on the basis of its joining bonuses. Another major factor that reduces your credit score is your higher credit utilisation ratio. The only way to contain the risk of overspending is to maintain a strict financial discipline. Once you fail to repay your entire bill amount, all fresh transactions too will attract finance charges as long as the older unpaid balance is not paid. They may also resort to identity theft by using your personal details to avail a new card in your name.comAnchorAnchor. Their exciting reward points, discounts and cashback offers also entice many to do unnecessary expenditures

:: برچسب‌ها: chemical anchor ,
:: بازدید از این مطلب : 236
امتیاز مطلب : 235
تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 69
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تاریخ انتشار : جمعه 29 فروردين 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : leeveedge

Frequently aired footage is of Mr Modi’s talk during his visit to Bangladesh featuring his mention of 1971 and NSA Doval’s 10th Nani Palkhivala Memorial lecture at Sastra University, Kumbakonam, in February 2014. Capturing young Naved/Kasim/Usman or whatever his name is, after the Udhampur attack is a good achievement and although he has reportedly confessed a lot, it is not going to make any difference to Pakistan, which has already denied his existence. on all issues and conflicts from 1947 till date. The capture of a Pakistani boat by BSF near Harami Nala, in Kutch should not be a surprise as Gujarat being PM Modi’s state has been high on Pakistan terrorists’ target list.The shrill anti-India rhetoric in Pak media and recent attacks are definite indications of the mood in Pakistan’s military/intelligence establishment, which has stepped up both its drive on the ground and of public indoctrination through media Security personnel during an encounter with terrorists at the police station in Dinanagar town in Punjab’s Gurdaspur. After repeatedly referring to “Bharat ki hukoomat aur media ka propaganda”, with earlier speakers, the anchor asked me how Indian authorities claimed that the attackers were Pakistani/came from Pakistan, even before the encounter was over.

Coinciding with the September 25-28, 2013 India-US dialogue in Washington D. Their latest term for India’s actions/attitude is “shaitaniyat” (coined from shaitani, meaning mischief), most ironically, exactly what they are practising.Prime Minister Narendra Modi, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval and the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) have become hot favourites of Pakistani media and its “commentators” for bashing almost on a daily basis. India boycotting the Commonwealth state speakers’ summit unless it is held in any other country than Pakistan is a justified step. Terrorists in Army fatigues first stormed into a police station in Kathua killing three security personnel and two civilians, and leaving 11 others including deputy SP wounded. Also, Pakistan will never admit/acknowledge any act perpetrated/supported by its military/ISI.The shrill anti-India rhetoric in Pakistani media and recent attacks are definite indications of the mood in Pakistan’s military/intelligence establishment, which has stepped up both its drive on the ground and of public indoctrination through media, particularly TV talk shows. Referring to the evidence that emerged, China screws Manufacturers I reminded the channel of earlier attacks across the International Boundary (IB) in South Jammu and Kashmir on the same pattern, timing and time-frame.

While dates are being mulled over for both countries’ NSAs to meet in Delhi and firing by Pakistan rangers across the IB is an almost daily affair, fresh attacks on Udhampur, Pulwama, Poonch, Kupwara and many others should leave no doubt about Pakistan military’s plans of extending its terrorist grid in India. Two terrorists were also killed in the gun battle following which the recoveries included two AK-47 rifles, one of them fitted with UBGL (under-barrel grenade launcher) with substantial ammunition, two daggers; 13 hand grenades; one Chinese pistol, one water floating bag, and clothes.While the timing of the Gurdaspur attack coincides with the peace attempt at Ufa, Russia, the most likely reasons for targeting a police station in Punjab, neighbouring south J&K, are surprise, a softer target, as compared to the J&K stretch of the IB, which has been actively targeted by Pak rangers and psychological impact. when he is reported to have stated “You can do one Mumbai, you may lose Balochistan. Surprisingly, there doesn’t seem to be any admirals, yet at least, despite links between Pak Navy personnel and terrorists exposed by Saleem Shahzad about Al Qaeda’s role with ISI and Lashkar e Taiyyaba in 26/11 and the May 2012 attack on Pakistan’s naval base PNS Mehran, after which he was brutally murdered. While India should relentlessly maintain all diplomatic efforts to expose Pakistan’s dirty tricks.

Forty seven were wounded including 12 Army personnel, 20 Army family members and 15 civilians. the water floating bags meant that they crossed water obstacles to infiltrate and changed clothes wearing uniforms to avoid detection by the local people and the Border Security Force.In March, this year again there was a repeat of the same type of attack on Kathua followed by another on the same location in Samba as in the 2013 attack on 16th Cavalry.” Pakistan commentators’ propaganda now includes that the attacks on Indian Parliament and 26/11 were Indian machinations and that during 1971, RAW inducted 60,000-70,000 personnel in khaki uniforms to sever erstwhile East Pakistan. New Delhi must be very clear about the efficacy of the asymmetric warfare by Pakistan military, which uses a comparatively much cheaper modus of sending handfuls of young highly trained, armed and brainwashed terrorists to engage larger detachments of troops or constabulary, causing a slow rate of attrition.. — AFP The shrill anti-India rhetoric in Pak media and recent attacks are definite indications of the mood in Pakistan’s military/intelligence establishment, which has stepped up both its drive on the ground and of public indoctrination through mediaA day after the July 27 Pakistani terrorists attack on a police station in Gurdaspur, a Pakistani TV news channel requested me to join its panel discussion on Skype.

The other step is to seriously consider a suitably modified implementation defence minister Manohar Parrikar’s suggestion which put Pakistani military mullahs and media into a great tizzy-“kaante se kaanta nikalna” (removing a thorn by a thorn). ISI is in overdrive on Pakistani news channels as they are an ideal medium for deploying a battery of retired generals, including former heads/members of ISI and military spokespersons, air marshals and pliant scholars and journalists to deliver daily barrages of false accusations, fabrications/fantasies twisting of truth etc.The timing of the attack — like the one in Kalu Chak — was in the morning when personnel return from the first parade for breakfast and change their uniforms for the second parade and children get ready for school. In the Kalu Chak attack, a total of 31 were killed — 3 Army personnel, 18 Army family members including 10 children and 10 civilians. In this attack, four personnel were killed as all ranks of 16th Cavalry — commanding officer downwards — and the brigade, swung into action and finally killed the three terrorists, who would had planned more surprise attacks.One immediate effective measure to neutralise Pakistan supported terrorism in the Kashmir valley is to put all separatists/traitors and their “assistants” in jails out of J&K. Whereas the Punjab stretch of the IB has for long been active owing to Pak rangers assisting drug smugglers, the possibility of Pak Army/ISI trying to re-ignite Indian Punjab cannot be ruled out.C.

However there seems no hope so far of any country doing anything more than verbal admonition. While US has made some token gestures in India’s favour, can it be expected to stop arms supply to Pakistan Negative. and sinisterly timed with the then PM Manmohan Singh’s sidelines meeting with his Pakistani counterpart, highly trained Pakistani terrorists launched multi-target attack at Hiranagar and Samba. Anyone who does will either be killed like Shahzad was, or will be made to retract his statement, like former DG Federal Investigative Agency Tariq Khosa did. US President Barack Obama’s statement during the dialogue that there is a worldwide terror threat from Pakistan-based groups also turned out to be ominous because that time, after a long gap since 2002, Pakistani terrorists came across the IB with the aim of not merely repeating the 15 May 2002 attack on Indian Army’s family quarters complex at Kalu Chak but surpassing it by attacking the Army School at Samba, after attacking 16th Cavalry. So, yet again it is reiterated that India must be prepared to go it alone and must develop the capacity to covertly strike in depth beyond its borders

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:: بازدید از این مطلب : 226
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تاریخ انتشار : شنبه 23 فروردين 1399 | نظرات ()
نوشته شده توسط : leeveedge

The research saw a single injection protected monkeys against a version of the virus for at least 18 weeks, suggesting it could offer people months of immunity, a study by Rockefeller University said.People at high risk of becoming infected, such as those with HIV-positive partners, can take the preventative drug PrEP before sex, however, there is no long-term, effective jab.

AIDS is a syndrome that can occur in the late stages of HIV infection.Scientists are edging closer to a long-term preventative HIV vaccine, new research suggests.Developing such a vaccine is difficult due to HIV & chemical anchor; from people;s immune systems, however, including certain proteins in the injection cause immune cells to recognise parts of the 'envelope' that surround the virus, the research adds. While currently, there is no cure for HIV, lifelong antiviral treatment controls the infection but often causes side effects including nausea, vomiting and insomnia.

Despite HIV rates rising in Europe, figures released last July showed deaths linked to AIDS have halved in 10 years. (Photo: Pixabay) A new study now shows that scientists are edging closer to a long-term preventative HIV vaccine. It is unclear when it may be available..While currently, there is no cure for HIV, lifelong antiviral treatment controls the infection but often causes # side effects including nausea, vomiting and insomnia.According to the researchers, their findings, published in the journal Nature Medicine, 'lay the groundwork' for a preventative vaccine that could be given as little as once a year

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:: بازدید از این مطلب : 272
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تعداد امتیازدهندگان : 0
مجموع امتیاز : 0
تاریخ انتشار : پنج شنبه 21 فروردين 1399 | نظرات ()